Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shifting patterns Reveal Path

Have you  ever been on a twisting, curvy mountain road?
The Twists and turns reveal beauty, have risks (Don't miss the road), and can sometimes lead to confusion or frustration. The question can become where am I going.

My career, my mission, ...  my path seems very much like the mountain road.

Choosing a seminary schooling for 8 years (high school & college) had a dual edge. It was a great place, learned a great deal, met very great people.

In the 8th year, I decided to leave ... seemed like a missed a turnoff on the mountain. No, I didn't regret leaving, yet I didn't have a clue where I was going. I encountered my first unsuccessful love relationship. No Career direction, No romance ... things were beginning to stink.

Part of the reason the romance didn't work, was my career choice was to help people - the significance of salary was not uppermost in my mind. Job wasn't even on the horizon yet.

With a BA in Literature, loaded with philosophy, psychology, literature etc, I began to focus on my career journey.

I was hired by an orphanage. They were impressed by my schooling (the seminary), and the fact that I had passion but no experience. Translation, they didn't have to pay me much.

My path continued to a Hospital TB unit, a Psychiatric Inpatient unit, a Mental Health Clinic, a residential facility for troubled adolescents, and an outpatient substance abuse clinic. I loved helping people by guiding people who were struggling with issues in their life. I loved teaching other professionals how to work with people and help them overcome obstacles. Despite these twisting paths, salary was not sufficient, not on a par with what I was giving to people.

A few other adventures involved photography and network marketing. I have a passion for photography since high school. When my parents gave me my first box camera, I did not have a clue what I might do with it. Before long, photography became an endeavor that I fell in love with. I loved taking environmental photos of people, places and colors. Finding patterns and textures was part of my photographic journey. I created slide shows of my journeys and shared them with the staff where I was working ... Basic focus was natural beauty of people and places.

I tried network marketing... one experience was very good - Sunrider. I still take the herbs today. Did't have success with marketing it. Experience with two other network marketing companies were terrible experiences.

Then a Colleague of mind who is like minded in that she also has a passion for helping people, introduced me to LegalShield. My colleague has high integrity and seemed to be offering a solid product, i.e. Legal consultation  and services at an affordable cost. Once again on the curvy mountain roads.
The question become now which way to go

  • Helping and teaching people about how to use emotional energy to be happy and successful in their lives?
  • Continue to follow my artistic pursuits via photography. Taking great pictures of people, places nature and color patterns. Using the emotional energy of photography to bring happiness to people?
  • Connect people with quality legal Consultation that is affordable that will help them with difficult situations in life or with issues when normal relationships break down?

Before I give my answer, I need to share with you that while you are going through the  twists and turns of the mountain road, it seems that the path becomes a twisted maze with no clear direction. Perhaps even your purpose comes into question? As you journey along the road, discouragement and fatigue can set in.

I believe a couple of steps can help us along our journey and make it one of Joy rather than an ordeal.

  1. First, we need to look deep within ourselves to find what we are passionate about and be comfortable with our talents and special qualities. 
  2. Second, despite pain, frustration or obstacles, it is important to remain open, vulnerable and have faith that what we need will unfold for us. 
  3. Third, when the opening comes, when the curves of the road present themselves, we need to go "all out" and manifest our desire and take action to use all of our talents. 
So are you ready for the answer about my career.

The clue to my answer, which was not  known to me for a long time, is in my name.

Ralph is short for Raphael. Raphael is an Archangel who is the go-between Creative Source (God) and God's creation. His role is to help God take care of people. His role is to help people heal and grow physically, intellectually and emotionally. My healing Emotional Energy workshops, and my artistic  photography fit this dimension.
Michael is another Archangel. He's the one with the sword. His role to to protect, guide and give strength to God's people. LegalShield fits this dimension.

So ...

My answer to the question of Path is
I will blend all three directions as I blended the colors in the opening photograph.
Hope you enjoyed the read. Let me know if I can be of service.

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