Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Happy Thanksgiving to All
Many decades 
Many people 
Many events
A kaleidoscope of facets
Shining bright
I am appreciative of all who’ve come into my life
I appreciate all that I have experienced 
All that I have learned

Monday, November 18, 2019

Autodidac … are you?

Autodidac … are you?

A photographer that I follow, Sean Tucker, had a blog post that asked if we are an autodidact. He defines auto as the self and didac as learning. Sean points out the importance of always being in a state of self-learning. General G S Patton said something similar “I don’t want you to hold the ground, I want our troops to advance, advance, advance.” (paraphrased from the movie of his life.

What are the elements of this self-learning – advancing (growing)?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

SLLS ~ enables laser focus ~ an approach to mindfulness

I believe when we are distracted we separate from who we are. 
Self separation causes a variety of pain and detours.
While perusing the BBC, I came across an article on how to handle distractions. The best tip is ...

When you begin to lose focus on your priorities, 
wrote former military sniper Jeffrey Harrison,’ 
take a SLLS break ~~~

Friday, November 1, 2019