Monday, August 31, 2015

Perspective: + / - a Lunch Conversation


     The other day, I had lunch with a friend and colleague. Both of us where in the same age bracket; both professionally accomplished with graduate degrees and history of professional accomplishments.


     Both of us were not in a great place, not where we were envisioning for ourselves. We talked about professional direction, financial flow and relationship issues.

     My friend said “We are in the same age bracket, and in a similar situation … we are not where we need to be.”

She then added “How can you be optimistic about professional direction and improved financial flow?” How can you speak positively of being in love? … How can you be happy?”

     What makes the perspective of happy or unhappy.

     Is being happy dependent on data that presents itself?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Humor ~ Elements of the Healing Vibration ~ Elements of the Beast

Reflections on Humor, Pt III

I would like to share my reflections on both the Healing Vibrations of Humor and the strange beast that masks itself behind humor.

I am going to break my thoughts into sections. I would like to invite you to ask questions or comment on my thoughts.

Prerequisites for Humor
Humor is a whole body experience

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Strange Beast ~ Humor pt 2

     Our second story on the journey of exploring humor, deals with the strange beast.

     Come back with me in time to a period when I was ten years old. It was early on a Saturday morning. The weather was beautiful. My Dad decided that it was a good time to clean the basement.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Strange Beast or Healing Vibration: Some dynamics of Humor

Strange Beast or Healing Vibration: Some dynamics of Humor
     I was invited to give a speech on humor by the Toastmaster group 1095. 

     On Wednesday, Aug 12th, I presented my speech. It was well received.

     I will be presenting the material of the speech in my blog over a series of entries.

     I invite you my blog readers to come with me on a journey into two stories that are real. I lived them. Imagine yourself with me as I share my stories.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015