Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Most Important Relationship & Flow of Relationships

Daily Law of Attraction Quotation
My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source...
There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve
than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now,
and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come.
If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost,
you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships.
Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money;
your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren,
the people you work with, your government, your world . . .
will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.
--- Abraham

Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Medication, Drugs, Feeling good & Positive Vibrations

The following question was submitted by Bismellah via email:

“What is your opinion about people who are on medication, drugs, or even alcohol, who feel good, do they have positive vibrations?”

This is an excellent question.
Keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine.
The Vibrational universe

Vibrations & Joy
From my perspective, everyone and everything is vibrational. The goal is to be in tune with our self. Being in alignment with ourselves puts us in vibrational alignment with Source Energy (which we usually call, God, Allah, etc.). By being in tune with ourselves our goal is to be in a state of joy. One caveat, to be in a state of joy, one cannot be intending or activating a vibration field to deliberately harm someone else.
The Vibrational universe that we live in is dependent on thoughts and feelings. With our thoughts and feelings we create our universe and attract both the people and events that come into our life. Our thoughts and feelings can alleviate pain, facilitate joy and promote healing. They create our biochemistry. According to what I have read, if we focus on negative feelings or on pain, we trigger a negative path for our biochemistry. If we focus on positive and happy thoughts, we trigger a positive path for our biochemistry. This positive biochemistry, in my view and the view of the Law of Attraction and certain Quantum scientists, can produce the same euphoric chemistry that people sometimes use drugs or alcohol for. I do believe that this positive biochemistry can even facilitate the healing of our cells and body.

From my perspective, certain drugs like methadone or mild tranquilizers (for anxiety & similar symptoms) as well as hard liquor (wine or beer in excess), block some of our most valuable assets, namely the ability to feel (i.e. work positively with our emotions) and to use our experiential thoughts to evaluate what we are experiencing and to choose the best path for our well being.

Medications are of a different dimension. If a caring doctor provides medication, with the exception of the aforementioned medicines, in order to help the patient obtain relief and move their thoughts to a better place, then medication can be a helpful tool. The caveat here is that the doctor cares about the patient; seeks to help the patient move to a better place; closely supervises the patient’s reaction to the meds; and adjusts and monitors as necessary how long the patient needs to take the medication.

Positive vibrations
Positive vibrations can only come about when we are in touch with our spiritual self, when we feel good about our self, and choose a path that will lead to happiness. Positive vibrations and happiness can only come from within ourselves when we are connected with our spiritual self. Drugs and alcohol interfere with the process. These substances are outside of ourselves and attempt to change what they cannot change. Happiness, Joy, Positive vibrations can only emanate from within ourselves.
Once again, I wish to reiterate to readers that I am not a medical doctor. I believe, however, that everyone must take full responsibility for the choices they make, including how they interpret and use the information which I presented.
I hope this will help people explore the topic in question and guide them in their choices.
Thank you for a great question Bismellah.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Submitting questions or comments

Hi Everyone,

If you have a comment or a question, Please feel free to post your comment or question on the blog by clicking the "Comment" button. Putting your question or comment on the blog might be helpful to other viewers or lead to a clarification of the issue. If you prefer or wish to ask a personal question, you could email me your comment or question. I will do my best to answer the question or respond to the comment. If you ask a question or make a comment, you will be identified by the name that you give in your comment or question.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Review "The Vortex ..."

9/17/09 Review of
“The Vortex: Where the law of attraction assembles all Cooperative Relationships”
By Esther and Jerry Hicks and the voices of Abraham
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4019-1875-0 Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-4019-1882-8
pp 238, plus CD excerpted from Law of Attraction Workshop with Transcript

Rating: A MUST READ !!!

1) Vortex & Energy
The Hicks and Abraham pose a conundrum to the readers. They highlight a powerful Vortex of positive energy in which all the elements (health, wealth, relationships, etc.) that we would wish for in prosperity are being created and coming to us. Yet the vortex has no door, no physical entry point. The complementary side of the vortex can also pull to us negative energy. The issues are: what is this vortex? How do we access it? How do we direct the energy field of the vortex toward positive or negative fulfillment?
Imagine a vortex, as a swirling energy field that pulls to us every object of our desire based on the vibrations that we send out to the universe or source energy. We are the only one who has the key for our entry into the vortex. Our vibrations are the energy, either positive or negative, that shape our relationship with the vortex.
The title of the book hints at one key to the conundrum, Relationship, Cooperative Relationship. The authors indicate this vortex is a relational vortex. They denote that the base relationship is with the self, it is important to have a healthy relationship with our self. A co-existing relationship is with our self and with Source Energy. This indicates that there is a primary intimate relationship between our physical self, our spiritual self and Source Energy. This primary relationship is eternal. We can “pinch” ourselves off from Source to a degree, but we can never break the bond that exists between self (physical, spiritual) and source. So at this fundamental relationship between self and source, you and source form the nucleus to co-create what you experience here in the physical dimension of our experience on the blue marble (earth).

2)The next level ~ Relationship with …
The second key to the conundrum is developed over six sections of the book which develop elements of key relationships. Rather than give cursory summaries of each part, I chose to provide the headings of the six sections to stimulate your curiosity. The author’s descriptions are worth the read in detail. The six sections of the book are : Part I, “Your Vortex and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Joyous Co-creators;” Part II, Mating and the Law of Attraction: The Perfect Mate – Getting one, Being One, Attracting one;” Part III, Sexuality and the Law of Attraction: Sexuality, Sensuality and the Opinion of Others;” Part IV, “Parenting, and the Law of Attraction: Creating Positive Parent/Child Relationships in a World of Contrast;” Part V, Self-Appreciation, and the Law of Attraction: Appreciation, the ‘Magical’ Key to Your Vortex;” Part VI, Transcript of Abraham Live: A Law of Attraction Workshop (Audio CD included).” As you can see all of the six chapters offer some juicy topics to wrestle with. Let’s return to the question how do you enter the vortex?

3)Entry into the Vortex
To enter the vortex, the authors tell us, that you need to feel you way in. Only you, can access your entry point into the vortex. Although, the authors talk about feeling your way into the vortex, they do not devalue thought. They suggest that thought predates any physical manifestation. Anything that exists in physical form first existed in thought. They explain in detail how feelings and thoughts working synergistically create your entry point into the vortex and co-create with source your life experience, i.e. what you draw to yourself within the vortex.
One element that the authors stress is that both our feelings and our thoughts are vibrational in nature. They (our thoughts and feelings) vibrate desires into the vortex. Our vibrational desires summon co-operating vibrations, either positive or negative, from the vortex. This vibrational desire brings to us the various people or objects whose vibrations match our thoughts and feelings.
The authors indicate that our thoughts and feelings act like powerful attractors which are based on the vibrations of thoughts and feelings, and not necessarily words. They indicate that our thoughts and feelings may follow either of two types of vibrational fields: one field is that which we do not like, deficit, Lack, suffering, fear, etc.; the other field is that of abundance, joy, creativity. Only we, as individuals, can make the choice for ourselves which path we wish to synchronize our vibrations with. The authors indicate our feelings are our guide as to which set of vibrations we synchronize with. If we feel happy, joy, creative then we are on the track of bringing into our lives the people, money, health and things that will expand our experience. If on the other hand we feel fear, lack, problems, we will attract more of the experiences which further increase our fear, lack and problems.
The journey into the vortex requires a leap into the vortex. We may find ourselves in a position at work, in relationship, with finances, etc that we don’t like. The contrast of feeling of that which we do not like, summons us to think of that which we do like. In a real sense the journey into the Vortex of Co-operative relationships requires us to have faith, that is to see what is not physically present at the moment, and have the expectation that source will join with us to co-create all that we desire.

4)My thoughts & recommendation
Although I have read many of the Abraham-Hicks books on the “Law of Attraction,” I find each new book brings me deeper into the path toward joy. This book is radical in some ways, challenging us to explore our life in a manner that is different from the instructions some of our physical institutions in society have taught us.
I would suggest that exploring the material in this book will bring us to a more joyful, fulfilled and creative life experience while we are in the physical dimension of our planet. This book is not a quick read, the authors definitely pull you into the subject matter, but your openness to reflect experientially, your willingness to experiment, and openness to enter the vortex is necessary to get the full benefit from that which Abraham and the Hicks unfold in the pages of this book.
Definitely a Must Read
I hope you enjoy the book. Please feel free to email me any thoughts about the book at .
Ralph M. Ferraro
© Ralph M. Ferraro 09/17/09

5)Coming up in future posts
· Review “What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole” A DVD in which Scientists explore the “Vortex” issues from a Quantum Physics point of view
· Camera tidbits
o How to enjoy photography whether with a “point and shoot,” or with a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)
o I will share my experience with my Canon cameras
o Your photo questions are welcome
· Mini Photo Essays
o Clouds
o Faces
o Life events

Welcome to Ralph Michael's Blog

Welcome to Ralph Michael Ferraro’s Blog.

On the 61st anniversary of my spirit entering physical form, I am opening my Blog.
I have spent many years studying, living, and growing and enjoying my life on this fabulous blue marble (earth). I have had the good fortune of many relationships that have helped me expand and enjoy my life. I wish to share with all of you who read my blog, my thoughts, my feelings, my wit and my experiences. I will be talking about my personal journey, and provide reviews on books, movies, and of course share my photography. I hope you enjoy the read. I hope the readings and posts will be helpful to you. Please, feel free to email me your questions, thoughts, feelings re: my blog at .

On this opening day of my blog, I would like to share with you my review of a book entitled: “The Vortex: Where the law of attraction assembles all cooperative relationships.”
Ralph Michael