Thursday, October 15, 2009

Photo "Colors 1 ~ NYC"

Colors 1 ~ NYC
Copyright 2009 Ralph M Ferraro
I posted a photo that I took while walking the streets of NYC in the rain.
Camera: Canon 40D   Lens: Canon EF-S 17~55mm f2.8
Hope you enjoy.
Once my website is up, I will add photos so you can view them in larger size.
Please feel free to comment on the photo at end of this blog post.
If you are interested in obtaining a copy or print of this photo, please email me at


  1. This is a beautiful shot-- a piece of art! Using your camera as your eye, you caught one moment of splendor, a splendor of color,shadow, and shape. Some musical cadence seem to be coming through the shot. That you caught it while walking in the streets of New York in the rain makes it even poetic! You must be one hell of a photographer. Post more photos on your blog!

  2. Thanks.
    Definitely will publish more photos.

  3. Hi Ralph,

    I love the colors of the photo and the energy that I see. To me it almost feels musical and the movements and shadows look like drum beats of a jazzy New York song.

    Taking photos in New York on a rainy can be a start of a happy song.

  4. Wow Ralph, you have become a "picturesque" writer. I can see what you're saying and feel the profound process of thought that you have traveled to come to this dessertation. You and Thomas seem to be traveling similar paths and perhaps going through the same feelings. But you have walked further and longer and have used up a lot of mileage. It is exhausting!! So, therefore it is important that you take restful stops along the way where you can find joy, however simple - like lifting your face towards the sun to feel its warmth, or enjoying the different greens of nature or the restful monotomy of a train ride. The joy you shared with Thomas just watching a show makes your life path bearable. When we do this, the path won't be so long and difficult because we know, there are more simple joys to look forward to.

    Take care..

    Terry from Germany

  5. Teresita,
    Thanks for the compliment on the photo.
    As far as the "used up alot of mileage" goes, energy is shaped by our thoughts and feelings.
    Thoughts & feelings if kept positive with a pinch of faith will keep us functioning with enthusiasm and energy, despite "high mileage."
    My heart is working on recovery from the shock of the attack and doing well. Don't worry, I will take breaks, there is still much to do. Joy is where we need to be headed. Joy inspires excitement, enthusiasim & renews energy.
