Thursday, October 29, 2009

Analysis, & Argumentative chatter v. Allowing & Mindfulness

“Analysis, with all of its argumentative chatter, causes resistance to the natural course of information as energy. Just let the energy flow.”
--- Adam, The path of the dream healer, Plume/Penguin, ISBN: 978-0-452-28846-1, p.119 (i)

“A feeling of being overwhelmed is your indicator that you are denying yourself access to all manner of cooperation that could assist you if you were not disallowing them.
As you begin to feel freer regarding the expenditure of time and money, doors will open, people will come to assist you, refreshing and productive ideas will occur to you, and circumstances and events will unfold. As you change the way you feel, you access the Energy that creates worlds. It is there for your ready access at all times.
--- Abraham Excerpted from the book "Money & the Law of Attraction:
Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness" (ii)

I / V) I was struck by this short sentence connecting analysis, arguments, resistance and flowing energy and the contrast provided by Abraham talking about allowing/disallowing our flow of energy.

II / V) Analysis, Argumentative Chatter, the intellectual construct of resistance ---
Analysis and argumentative chatter seem to be allies in moving a person away from the experience that they are immersed in. Moving away from direct experience adds a layer of a mental construct which moves a person away from what is. This creates fragmentation. Analysis which breaks things from the totality of what they are and arguments that create differences and then try to justify the differences, move people away from their energy source. A person who moves away from his/her energy source creates resistance to what is and impedes the energy flow towards expansion.

III / V) Feeling overwhelmed and fragmentation, loss of energy ---
Feeling overwhelmed jumps from analysis and argumentation to the other extreme of disconnect or fragmentation. Feeling overwhelmed results from a flooding of data that is unmanageable, which removes us from the direct experience of the moment in which we are living. Removal from the direct experience leads to a resistance to the flow of energy, which is vital to life, to expansion, to prosperity.
Removing feelings from the equation, such as in the case of argumentative analysis, or not tuning in to our feelings saps us of energy. Depleted energy creates a resistance to living, to seeking and obtaining our own well being.

IV / V) Allowing, Relaxation, Flowing Energy, Prosperity
Both Adam and Abraham are suggesting that we allow our experience to be, that we allow the energy of our experience to flow. Allowing energy to flow removes the wasted energy of resistance; it permits a person to be relaxed. When we are relaxed energy flows more freely. When we allow our intellectual experiential energy to work with our experiential emotional energy, we increase our awareness not only of our being but we open ourselves to becoming, to increasing. Opening ourselves to becoming allows us to attract, recognize, and activate possibilities for advancement. As Abraham says, “doors will open, people will come to assist you, refreshing and productive ideas will occur to you, and circumstances and events will unfold.”

V / V) No Shortcut to Mindfulness ---
Allowing, relaxing, flowing are our keys to achieving a deeper appreciation for that which we experience. They are also the key to our joy and prosperity in health, finances and relationship.
Tapping into mindfulness which includes intellectual energy and emotional energy requires daily investment. The daily investment is taking a few minutes to meditate, to focus on breathing, to allow the quiet of being with oneself. The quiet of breathing and being with oneself allow a person to connect with two inner voices, the inner voice of self, and the inner voice of Source Energy (God, Yahweh, Allah, higher power …). Meditation allows a blending of that which we are directly aware of about ourselves and that which we are less directly aware of about ourselves. The aforementioned awareness of mindfulness links our creative powers with the creative energies of the experiential flow of energy that we are encountering in the now.
Mindfulness will help us work synergistically with the flowing energy of Source and the resources of the universe.

Copyright 2009 Ralph M Ferraro

(i) Adam’s book describes his journey as a healer. His paradigm is that of science. It is an interesting book and a quick read. Available through Barnes & Noble and other book sellers.

(ii) Abraham’s teachings are through workshops, books and DVDs created with Ester & Jerry Hicks. Abraham’s teachings are based on spirit, connection with Source and the Law of Attraction. Available through Barnes & Noble and other book sellers.


  1. I resonate with this piece of reflection which you have posted. How true it is that too much analysis and argumentative chatter create fragmentation within ourselves, with another, and with the experience which we are immersed in. Many times we simply just have to go with the flow of life, without much words, but always attentive to feelings, and ever mindful of the center of one's being, through prayer and meditation. Profound insights and great wisdom. Thank you for your blogs.

  2. Words can be powerful; sometimes they can lead to insight but just as easily can lead us to a detour or a distorted sense of reality. Going with the experiential flow, allowing a situation to develop and using the contrast of whether we like or dislike what we are experiencing gives us the powerful option of choosing how to respond to that which we are experiencing. Feelings are both the key and the connection with a centered mindfulness and with the emotional experiential Spirit ~ Source energy and the universe. Allowing, feeling, and using our ability to choose, will guide us to prosperity. Once we move toward our own joy and prosperity, we will be a witness to joy and prosperity and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
