Thursday, October 15, 2009

Through Joy, Good things come !!!

I would like to share with you two powerful quotes that I have uncovered (source is indicated after each quote), and my reflection on them.

"The greatest revolution of our generation is
the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives."
Willian James, Psychiatrist (Jack Canfield, The Success Principles, p. 187) (i)

“… You cannot struggle to joy.
Struggle and joy are not on the same channel.
You joy your way to joy.
You laugh your way to success.
It is through your joy that good things come.”
--- Abraham (Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA, 08/02/98) (ii)

As I am healing from the major heart attack that I had just over three weeks ago, I began to think of struggles. I began struggling to create my health rather than focus on the negative possibilities of my heart attack. The negative possibilities included permanent heart muscle damage with associated complications, returning to a job with administrative duties, the “justifying paper work,” that does not inspire my passion nor does it help me pursue my bliss. Added to the burden of coping with the death of my wife over one year ago is the care I need to give my paternal aunt in a nursing facility, whose affairs I administer. All this has led to a very chaotic year prior to my encounter with the “Widow Maker.” Many things were left unfinished, many tasks were left unattended.

Given this situation, it would be easy to focus on the negative because a clear alternative was fuzzy and without a clear path. Struggling through the negative, creates no space for joy and no space for creating an alternative. There is also the contrast within me evoked by my doctor and my family and friends who all are saying “relax,” “rest,” “take it easy,” “come back strong,” “bounce back,”. [I] wish for [you] lots of rest, relaxation and all the things you need to make you better :) {J.C.}”. All these good wishes, while they come from genuine concern, create an experience of contrast between what I seek to finish and complete and what I am told to do to heal and recuperate.

Interestingly enough my son, Thomas, is going through a parallel process. He just successfully completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration at St Joseph University in Philadelphia. Many of his friends who graduated with him have already gotten their first jobs. He is still exploring and searching for a path which he can pursue with passion. As he once said to his professors “You’re telling me how to be an employee, I want to be a business owner.” Despite the lure of available job possibilities or connections, he is holding to his plan of finding a path that he can develop and expand as an entrepreneur. So he is also facing his own contrast; his path is not fully clear but nonetheless is developing. These contrasts in parallel, happening at the same time between Thomas and myself, makes for an interesting household.

Experiencing contrasts could lead to increased stress, which can be exacerbated when its sources are fed and nourished. So we must actively choose another option by shifting our attitudes toward the goals we seek to realize. For me these goals are writing (blog & web site soon), teaching, presenting workshops on emotional energy and prosperity, writing books, etc.. For both Thomas and myself this is a period of exploring, as well as developing and testing our ideas.

We also choose to open up to joy and laughter as our way of focusing our energies and expanding our positive reality.

William James is not alone in stating that by changing our thoughts and attitudes we can change our physical reality. Quantum Physicists (iii), Psychologists, and Spiritual Writers are all talking about how we as individuals co-create with Source Energy (God) the reality that we experience. This is really mind blowing. It allows changes that “observable facts” seem to deny. It means that we are living in a dynamic universe that is alive, that is not fixed, which we co-create and expand. Obstacles can be overcome when we pursue possibilities for expansion which are endless. As what is often told, mountains can be moved when we have faith. These thoughts empower us to take full responsibility for where we are and more importantly where we want to go. They enable us to be creative and happy. They banish the deficit or the victimization mentality that pervades many news stories.
Abraham~Hicks adds to James’ comment by introducing emotions. Abraham-Hicks talks about allowing ourselves to seek and experience Joy. Once we experience Joy, we can inspire others to go “where no man [or woman] has gone before [according to Star Trek].” We can help others to seek their own joy instead of becoming mired in limiting “facts.” Abraham-Hicks talk about laughter which is an emotional and physical expression of joy, a sense of amusement which resonates throughout our body. Joy and laughter are also relational (as per the smiley face above and the wishes of family & friends & the treatment team).

So how does mind, attitude change, Joy, laughter translate to me and Thomas? For starters we watched the entire 1st two seasons of “Two and ½ Men.” We laughed much. I also enjoyed the relational antics of the rich personalities in the show “NCIS” which has a cast of characters so unique that one could not imagine how they are able to function as a team. Yet these very different characters blend as a team to focus on their mission. In their blending, they are comfortable with their individual uniqueness, as they share a good laugh and care for each other. These shows help me and Thomas to relax and refresh ourselves. Some might say that watching back- to- back episodes of such shows when there are so many things to do is a waste of time. Yet I can assure you that this is the kind of wasting time which creates space for our healing, expansion, and joy.

So at the moment, we are relaxing, healing, exploring and following our bliss and our passion. Stay tuned for more of my exciting adventure with possibly some of Thomas’ adventure also.

• Sometime soon, I will be making a switch.
• I have added a photo to my blog in the side bar ~ I will try to reposition it into the main blog space.
• I will be expanding my profile on this blog
• I will by putting up a web site as soon as I can find someone to help me create a friendly website that I can customize without having to be a computer wizard.

Until the next time, be prosperous in all of life’s dimensions.

Ralph Michael
© 2009 Ralph Michael Ferraro
i) Jack Canfield’s Book, The Success Principals” is available at Barnes and Nobles. I highly recommend the book.

ii) More sayings from Abraham are available in the Abraham-Hicks series of books dealing with the Law of Attraction at Barnes and Noble. In addition quote of the day is available at
iii) See DVD “What the Bleep!#, Down the Rabbit hole,” which will be reviewed on my blog within the next few weeks.


  1. What a delightful piece! And profound too! Profound does not mean heavy. This piece is light and delightful, and yet it is rich and deep. Your story about how you and your son Thomas are experiencing contrast in parallel is a matter for thought. Although you are at different phases of your life, he at the beginning of his career and you at the maturing of yours, you converge in a common but different experience of contrast. While an experience of contrast can be creative, it can also cause tension, which can put stress on relationships. How you both manage this tension is something to learn from. Rather than meeting it head on, you dissipate it with positive energy which is its contrary-- shared joy and laughter.
    If only the world can turn to what makes people laugh rather than what makes people fight, we would live in joy and peace! Thank you for your blog. May more people read it and grow in wisdom about how to live life and to live it fully!

  2. It is a question of being open and making choices based on the contrasts that you experience.
    Thanks for your impressions of my post
