Saturday, August 12, 2017

Talking to yourself ~ a new dimension

In my research on the power of emotional energy, I came across an interesting article by Therese Wade, entitled " How to heal yourself by talking to your body."

I believe that the emotional energy of our soul connected to source energy can  help us with everything from our health, relationships, careers. Therese's focus was on connecting with the consciousness  of our cells. I believe her when she says that each of our cells are conscious. Her article with some additions from the work of Cleve Backstair are very interesting in terms of the emotional communication with the cells in our bodies. I would say everything is relational. The positive or negative emotional energy that is communicated will influence a positive or a negative direction in our life.

To have this conversation with our body, they believe 3 elements are necessary:

  1. Approach cells with compassion
  2. build trust with the cells
  3. allow spontaneous elevated emotions
  1. Real Intent
  2. Attunement
  3. Spontaneity
You can find out more by reading her article at

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