Monday, March 18, 2013

Emotional Energy from a biological perspective

I reread Bruce H. Lipton’s, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles.
His book is intriguing because it approaches the concept of Emotional Energy that I use in my consultation, workshops and photography from a biological perspective.

I talk about Emotional Energy on three levels: 1) Physical, 2) Intellectual-Emotional and 3) Spiritual- Source levels. Dr. Lipton’s perspective starts from his work at the cellular level.

His life had a paradoxical twist.
He tuned into an interest in cell biology as a child. As an adult, be became a tenured professor in biology but events in his life caused him to lose focus. He lost his dad, for whom he was the primary caretaker, after a long battle with cancer. His marriage fell apart; he went through an “emotionally draining and economically devastating divorce.”  Returning to nature and moving out of the sterile classroom to experience life as a cellular scientist, he rediscovered his passion for cell biology.

In my workshops, classes, and even in my photography, I emphasize the power of emotional energy in our thinking and feeling, and its ability to create our life, either positively or negatively. I stress how we can create a joy-filled journey while we follow our passions and talents.

Dr. Lipton approaches the same dynamic by studying and exploring the cellular interactions within our bodies and in nature. A large part of his excitement comes from the developing sciences of Signal Transduction and Epigenetics:

... the science of Signal Transduction focuses upon the biochemical pathways by which cells respond to environmental cues.


(...) the Science of Epigenetics ... [is] the science of how environment[al]  signals select, modify and regulate gene activity. ... genes are constantly being remolded in response to life experiences. (p. xv)

Dr. Lipton discusses how thinking and feeling energy affect and create on a cellular level. He follows the biological impact of the electrical system of the body, the magnetic properties of cellular chemistry, as well as the importance of vibrational energy and how it affects development and change within our bodies. He states, “Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces, including thought …” (p. 53-54)

Dr. Lipton talks about cellular biology, and following his passion in a clear and very readable manner. While he touches on some technical aspects of biology, he weaves the material into his story, his journey. His book is captivating and does not require a technical background to understand. I highly recommend this book.

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