Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Love is in the air

 Love is in the air

As of 1 Feb we are 13 days from the day we are told to honor a person who is our love. We are 352 days from the last day of hearts … valentine day.


How would we answer the question 

“Who is number one in our life?”

Many people would answer my number one is 

my wife, my children, my family, my dog, my pet, my bookie etc.


How many of us, on Valentines day, would find a mirror 

gaze into it and say “I love you?”


Loving oneself has many shades.

It is not a grandiose narcissistic self affirmation.


Loving self is where love starts.

Loving self is an affirmation of our value and specialness.

It is an act of gratitude for being who we are …. As we are.

It is a realization that we are unique … special. 

We are an entity with special qualities and talents.

It is a realization that we are from the Source of the universe.

It is an affirmation that the Source doesn’t make mistakes. 

It is a realization that we can only control ourselves.


From this base of genuine self-love, 

we enter the dance.

The dance of relationship …

Relationship with the glowing rays of the sunrise …

The ballet of the moving clouds, 

The graceful movement of the seagulls over the waves.

That relationship hints at the exchange of energy.

From this energy activation we animate the dance

Engage with others

Engage with someone special

What is it about that someone special?

Can they dance with us gracefully?

Or Are they a distortion from the funny house?

Do they provide something that we have not explored and found within ourselves?



That someone special picked up their mirror and as they glanced into the mirror said “I love you.”


That special person has embarked on embracing themselves and explored who they are

In knowing who they are

In knowing they are special

They can indeed offer you love


Not an expensive trinket

Rather warmth and affection

Forming the other half of your dance team


So let us honor our special person

With some chocolates, some flowers

But most essential let us offer who we are 

Who we are after we have validated ourselves

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