Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Alignment An Important Tool for Prosperity

In today’s world agitation, pointing fingers, problems in general, or anything that is worthy of complaining about seem to be pushed into the news stream that is fed to hungry readers. It seems there is a rush to be able to bring this news as quickly as possible to the public. It is reportage; it is reactionary. Even when the reporting seems to mirror what is happening elsewhere, the events appear fragmented. All of this suggests things are terrible in the world. The world is full of problems, full of negative issues.
Do we feel that our life, finances, relationships, health are also worthy subjects worthy of complaining?
Perhaps what gives these negative observations so much power is that we, on a personal level, are not in alignment with our true nature.
Could it be that the world is in the best shape it has ever been in?
Could it be that the potential to have a “mind boggling Joy filled great day” is within our power?
I would like to suggest some tools to help us have a “mind boggling Joy filled great day.”

The first tool is the tool of Alignment. Abraham-Hicks provides us with some thoughts about unlocking the great tool of Alignment

We would suggest, 'Think -- and then evaluate the value of that thought by noticing how it feels; and do that often enough that you know, without question, that you are in alignment -- then speak, then act, then interact.' ...
Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with Source, who actively seeks alignment with their Broader Perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved that alignment."(Hicks and Abraham 2009)
Abraham-Hicks is suggesting that we have a conversation with ourselves. This conversation involves listening to two voices. The first voice is the voice of our inner self. This voice is the awareness of our essence. The second voice is the voice of Source Energy (we usually called this voice God, Holy Spirit, or many similar names). How can these voices help us to create that “mindboggling Joy filled great day?”
I would suggest that these voices are part of our emotional energy or spirit. Thinking is the intellectual emotional energy (experiential, not cognitive constructs) that facilitates our creative abilities and allows us to vibrate our desires into the universe. As we think about our desires – our situation, our feelings, our primary emotional energy comes into play. This emotional energy helps us to evaluate whether what we are thinking/creating is something that we like or something that we dislike. Something that we are feeling a dislike for is something that is bringing us away from our alignment with ourselves, our inner essence, our inner strengths, our inner talents. Something that we like and get excited about is bringing us into alignment with who we are, with our essence, with our strengths, our talents, with what would most fulfill us. If we are in alignment with our true inner voice, I believe that inner voice will never introduce harmful thoughts or suggestions to ourselves or to others. It is a voice that is part of our creative positive energy. Within this inner voice there is no room for negative energy unless we shunt this positive energy to a sidetrack and divert our focus to the negative experience of relating by default to what we are observing from others or from the news.  The alignment with this inner voice will guide us in our “… speaking, acting and interacting …” with others. Rather than reacting, we would be radiating life energy and creating possibilities.
In connecting with our own internal voice (emotional essence)[1] , we also connect with Source or Spiritual Energy. Once we connect with Source energy, we resonate at a higher level and are connected to all there is in the universe. Doors open that were unopenable, opportunities that we desire become available. Through Source Energy, the universe brings into our realm of potential all that we desire. In order to receive that which we desire, we need to allow that which we seek to come to us and graciously receive it. If what we desire doesn’t seem to come to us, it is because we resist the gift that we are being given. Perhaps it is a question of faith, believing strongly enough that Source will give us what we seek. It seems that there are many things in the world that would lead us to distraction from alignment with our essence and with Source Energy.
With so many distractions leading us away from alignment how do we align with our essence? I would suggest that the most effective way to re-align ourselves with our essence is to spend five to fifteen minutes meditating at the start, and/or end of each day. The Meditation focus would be on breathing and putting ourselves in listening mode. Inhaling deeply, exhaling deeply … allowing the breaths, experiencing the joy of breathing. As thoughts come to us, it is important to invite (not fight) the negative thoughts to leave. It is important to let our inner voices share with us the resources, desires, paths that are within us and are coming to us from Source. It is important to allow negative impulses and people to move away from us. We will create a path for the negative elements to move away not by focusing on the negative elements but rather by focusing on our desire for positive people and opportunities to come into our lives.
After the wake up meditation, we will go into our adventures with an enthusiasm, and joy that will radiate in everything we do. While meditating before sleep, we will enjoy the feelings of our day, envision the good that will flow the next day and enjoy a restful sleep.
Comments or questions are welcome.

            Discusses the Law of Attraction from the perspective of : Learning to attract Joyous Co-creators; The Perfect mate -- Getting one, Being one, Attracting one; Sexuality, Sensuality & the opinion of others; Parenting; Self-appreciation & "Magical Keys"; Transcript of included CD

[1] Emotional Essence is an intimate integration of both Intellectual and emotional energy.

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