Monday, August 17, 2015

Humor ~ Elements of the Healing Vibration ~ Elements of the Beast

Reflections on Humor, Pt III

I would like to share my reflections on both the Healing Vibrations of Humor and the strange beast that masks itself behind humor.

I am going to break my thoughts into sections. I would like to invite you to ask questions or comment on my thoughts.

Prerequisites for Humor
Humor is a whole body experience

In order to reap the full benefits of humor a person needs to be
  • Self-validating
  • Open
  • Vulnerable (maskless)
  • They need to be brave enough to be themselves
  • They need to be free to let the belly shake or the deep radiant smile emerge.

Benefits of humor (belly laughing or deep smile orgasm)
During a state of deep humor, a person enters
  • A state of physical relaxation
  • A state of joy
  • A state of renewal
  • They experience a connectedness with the person or people that the humor is shared with.
  • A person who can fully use humor, will enter into relationships and tasks with more energy, a better sense of purpose and more joy.
  • A person who can allow humor,  allow him or her self to feel good, can allow or facilitate the body to heal from illness, from trauma.

Positive energies from humor
It is very similar to the orgasm that we experience when we share loving caresses with a significant other.
It is a whole body reordering of our energies (both physical and non-physical)
The Whole body experience emanates from our belly shaking or the radiance of a genuine deep smile.
You see I believe that for humor to be fully effective, the whole body / person has to be involved and visible either by the belly shaking, or the radiance of deep smile.
If the belly is shaking (or the deep smile radiating outward), the whole body is moving, the whole spirit is feeling the experience.
When our entire person is involved the chemistry in our bodies reorganizes.
Physically our body is drawn into the experience and begins to relax and reenergize. As we feel the humor, we experience joy and physical release.

I would suggest that this entire body response, specifically belly laughing or deep smiling is contagious. It is a means of connecting with others … it is touching without physically touching. It is a means of sharing joy with others.

Negative energies that block humor
  • Needing others to validate ourself
  • Being held captive by trauma from the past
  • Allowing the wound of the trauma to still preoccupy our thoughts or feelings.
  • The need to use multiple masks to create images of how we want to be perceived by the other person(s) that we are in the company of.
  • The masks create images that are not real. They are barriers to who we really are, they shield us from the existential experience of humor.
Since the images are aimed at pleasing others, the images insulate us and prevent us from whole heartily entering into the experience of humor and joyful orgasm. It might be similar to a person who laughs from the throat up. The throat up laugh is fragmented and works with the mask that is being used.

I noticed that women in certain cultures sometimes are fragmented in their approach to laughter. They will suddenly start to laugh from their belly or allow a big smile to emerge,  then suddenly almost immediately, their hand rises to conceal their smile and they abruptly stop laughing, the belly becomes still. They catch the laugh before it becomes vocal, before it can reach the belly, before the belly can shake, before the smile can emerge. Almost as if the patterns that they were taught did not permit the humor orgasm.

Althought sarcasm is usually thought of in a negative light, it Ccan be playful and quite humorous. When it is directed at the incongruity of the situation then it can be an effective use of humor.

Elements of the beast
Two main characteristics of the beast side of humor

  1. The first is shallow laughter, from the throat on up. The laughter is a mask to hide the real feelings, the real person. It is used to fit in with a group
  2.  The second is more hideous. It is an attempt to hijack humor and use laughter as a weapon to harm, belittle the other, or to adulate oneself at the expense of the other. This Beast is not humor at all but a poor veil to cover a person’s sadistic manner of relating. Part of this sadistic attempt at humor is a result of not-validating oneself, not allowing the connection that exists between all of us. Sadistic use of sarcasm goes beyond not validating oneself. It becomes a choice to devalue someone else, to cause pain. Not being able to validate oneself or having learned maladaptive patterns is not an excuse for the choice to mask sadistic communication with an attempt at humor.

I would be happy to know your thoughts on humor. If you have questions  I would be happy to respond.
If you would like me to give a presentation on humor to your group, I would be happy to do so.

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