Saturday, December 31, 2016

Zombies in 2017?

Joe Edelman wrote an interesting article about the Zombies that he encountered who are photographers. Joe is an accomplished photographer. He states he has met many photographers in his travels who function like Zombies. 
Is 2017 to be the year of the Zombies?

He defines a Zombie as a mindless, souless entity that loses him/herself. She/He is Someone that follows another who claims they have the best way to do things. In photography, some get caught  up in the latest equipment or technique that is recommended by so called experts. Joe makes a point that many of his fellow photographers lock into the advice of experts yet they still haven’t mastered the equipment that they own. They don't explore possibilities with their equipment. They don’t practice. Joe highlights that people have been taking great photos for a long time, without the fancy equipment. Those people were not zombies but were courageous enough to be themselves and develop their own style with whatever  equipment they had.

As I read the article, I was struck by how many people that I encoutner who are not photographers but who fit the description of a Zombie.

If we look @ the photog descriptions, and see them as a metaphor for our own behavior, what would we see?

It seems perspective zombies, look to “experts,”someone other than themselves. They seek, pardon the expression, “gurus” who want them to follow their way. Gurus include some religious leaders, politicians, social groups leaders and at the extreme cult leaders. They are determined to enlighten us as to best way to do things. It seems many embrace these external directives. What makes these experts qualified to direct us?

Frequently their advice actually pull us away from who we are. We allow them to transform us into mindless, soulless zombies who won't take risks, who won't be creative?

The antidote to souless, mindless, selfless zombieism seems to consist in two parts.

The first step in applying the antidote is to look within, focus on our breathing, listen for the internal voices of self and source energy. This will enable us to find our purpose, our talent and the seed of our passion.

To not be swallowed up into zombieism, requires the second step. it is important to embrace the talent and passion that is uniquely ours and radiate it outward.

A dear friend of mine, adds the steps to counteract the pull of  Zombieism when she posted her thoughts on 2017

“be open to
fresh start
see unlimited possibilities

Experience more joy, more fulfilment, more laughter, more fun, more being creative”

you can check out Joe's entertaining thoughts at 

Let me know what you think.
Have a wonderful non-Zombie 2017 !!!

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