Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Emotional Energy Thought

New Years celebration follows, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah (festival of lights commemorating the rededication of the Temple), The Birth of Jesus (Christmas). As we meditate on the experiences of 2012 and look forward to the new experiences of 2013, what is our perspective.
Many items in the news focus on tragedies and things that are not working well. I would like to suggest that whatever happened in 2012, everything can be created in a positive expanding way for 2013. We cannot stop the clock, we cannot remain exactly the same.

As Abraham states
"... Your expansion is constant. Keeping up with it is optional." (Abraham-Hicks)

As the lights of Hanukkah increase, illuminating our path, as the radical teaching of Jesus to acknowledge Source Emotional Energy (God) and to love ourselves and our neighbors as ourselves, they point the way for our journey.

I would suggest that to maximise the positive expansion of  our journey,  let us take 5, 10, 15 minutes each day to focus our energy through breathing meditation, to connect with our spirit, our Source (God. Allah, Yahweh) and to rededicate ourselves to allowing, to growth, to Freedom, to Joy, and To creating positive experiences for ourselves and for those within our circles.

As Abraham states expansion will continue but it is our choice whether we use it positively or try to deny or contain it.

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