Sunday, October 13, 2024

Review of “The Source: The secrets 0f the Universes, the Science of the brain”

Review of  

“The Source: The secrets 0f the Universes, the Science of the brain”


By Tara Swart, MD PhD



I do recommend this book to anyone who wants to explore their energy fields and their creative potentials but needs the comfort of an intellectual framework.

It was a good read .

Thank you Dr. Swart.

I passed by the bookcase and found an interesting book that my son had purchased. The colorful jacket and the title caught my eye. I picked up the book and wanted to check it out.

My initial inspection gave me mixed feelings …

The rear jacket cover says “the Secret, but … more sciency.” [1] Sciencey? Could this be an evidence based approach? Pre quantum psychology?

In the preface Dr. Swart says, The Source is the incredible, complex and sophisticated thing that is our whole brain….the true power of the brain lies in being able to integrate what we think with how we feel.”[2] I feel the integration happens at a higher level than the brain, a spiritual energy level.

The ancient religious jews saw the Source in a different light. They referred to the Source as, “Yahweh” which translates to  “I Am Who Am

 I had a mixed feeling about the book.

Is it a typical old school science (Pre Quantum) approach to the mystical energy fields that direct our life?

Could the author be hinting at the evidence based approach in mental health clinics, make a treatment plan; goal 1 step 1, step 2, step 3. Make sure your progress follows one of the treatment goals and / or steps. Could her approach be linked to the neat catorization of the diagnostic manual.  Is Her stance that the source is a dance between physical elements within the body?

Her book is evidenced based, sciencye but it is much more than that.

She uses her professional journey to discover what she calls  the Source and our potential as human beings.

She starts as a psychiatrist. After a while she begins to burn out in psychiatry. She finds the practice of psychiatry draining her energy. She moves away from the clinical to the energy fields of the human being. She becomes a coach and directs how a person can control the energy fields within to achieve their goals.

I had a similar path, I started as a clinical Social Worker, I studied the various western psychology theories.  I thought that when insurance companies recognized the importance of psychotherapy that this was a good sign. What a mistake. The coding of the insurance companies and the western psychology approach was leading us away from the energies withing the human. 

As I continued my journey, I began studying eastern approaches to mental health. The yin-yang notion of balance and flow. The power of silent receptivity, the power of choice, the blending of emotional energy and intellectual energy. The energy fields of positive energy and the fields of negative energy. The magnetic attraction of either intellectual or emotional energies to a positive or a negative direction. I feel I had an advantage because my training started in a college seminary. The seminary opened the potential of the spirit. Part of it focused on the energy connection between our soul (internal energy field of the self) and the SOURCE (The divine or creative energy field of I Am Who Am.

I liked Dr. Swart’s approach to empowering people. Her book is a good starting point to understand the dance between the energy fields.

I disagree with her centering the Source to the brain.

The mental and emotional energy fields can become complex is we try to over explain them intellectually (via the brain). They cannot be understood on the bais of linear intellectual evidence. These energies are not physically a concept. They are experiential. They are relational.

The saving grace of dr. Swart’s book is that she talks about the energies and their powers in an experiential relationship manner.

She does so in a prequantum physical, “evidenced based” perspective.

I believe the brain is not the “Source” 

The Sources in an emotional energy matix that includes the emotional energy essence of each person linked to the emotional essence of the Divine Creative Source of the Universe.



She doesn’t talk about the two internal voices that we have: the voice of our own essence and the voice of the Çreative Source.

I do recommend this book to anyone who wants to explore their energy fields and their creative potentials but needs the comfort of an intellectual framework.

It was a good read .

Thank you Dr. Swart.


[1] Evening Standard

[2] Swart, Dr Tara, The Source, p.7 

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