Sunday, September 1, 2024

 Silence the  encounter



Does it reflect nothing 

Just emptiness

No value no purpose ?

Does it reflect that which we call God?

Yahweh ? The Holy One?

Is it the encounter with God

The Creater  of all

Is it the performance evaluator ?

Is it the judgemental punitive God 

That many religions suggest?

Or is it scarier 

is it the knowledge that we are not God

That we are of God,

The undescribable One

Is it the realization  that in the silence

we encounter the voice of our Essence?

is it  we encounter the voice of God 

Of I Am Who Am within us?

The voice of the holy one who is not judgmental, is not punitive. 

The internal voice of I Am Who Am  

who Is gentile, loving, creative 

Does the possibility of receiving the two voices freak us out?

The silence is affirming


Illuminating direction, purpose