Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Jump - Finding Your Wings

A few weeks ago, I attended a Les Brown workshop. At one point he said "jump and find your wings on the way down." A provocative comment for sure. He didn't mean doing something foolish ... yet how could one interpret his words.

I pondered his comment and began thinking about the emotional energy of jumping and finding one's wings. The emotional energy of jumping and finding your wings have four  components - 

Before the Jump
  • Jumping
  • Finding Your Wings
  • What to do with the wings

Jumping and finding wings might be similar to the new spring buds that are beginning to bloom.

Let's look at the process -

Before the jump

The key to jumping successfully is within - similar to the seed within the blooming vegetation. the kernel that is about to jump into a bud and blossom into the flower knows experientially what it's purpose is - it is eager to jump.

Many times as a human being, I have been distracted by the noise, what other people want, the directions that others give, my own internal fears, and self-doubts.  Somehow i've been distracted from my internal kernel, my internal specialness, the gems within me, the very things that I feel passionate about. If I allow my distractions, my disconnections to guide me - it would be a bad time for me to jump. Perhaps I wouldn’t even be thinking of jumping. I would be just reacting to what unfolds before me.

Over the years, through studying, exploring, making mistakes, and receiving good mentoring, I learned how to prepare for the jump. Prior to jumping, I needed to open up, allow my emotions to flow more freely, become more vulnerable. I chose to turn inward, to allow the rhythm of my own breath to be. I learned that Meditative Breathing, that is focusing on the rhythm of my own breath, is both healing and creative. As I focus on my breathing, my internal rhythms, my internal specialness, my talents, my interests and passions began to manifest. 

Once i've allowed my own breath to be, the next step is to listen to the rhythms within me - what excites me - what am i passionate about? My passions to help people to enjoy life and pursue their goals and capturing the emotional energy of people, nature and places with photography were part of my inner rhythms from early in my life.  through the decades of my life helping people and photography have continued to develop. My internal rhythm and passions have brought me to the jump point.

To be continued in next post 

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