Monday, April 22, 2013

The Upside of the Downside

My Journey in the SpringToastmasters Contest

Part I / III

Part I - Delivering the Speech
Part II - The Decision - to be presented on  4/24/13
Part III - The day after the contest - to be presented on 4/26/13

Photos taken by Gwen Perez  - Photos and text © Ralph M. Ferraro, MSW 2013

Toastmasters every year sponsors an international speech contest. I was excited because I wanted to share my story about how I resolved my dilemma, share a secret about beauty and show some of my beautiful photographs. 

I was selected as the winner for the first two contests (club and area). People enjoyed my presentations and my photographs. I was moving full steam ahead. I was now going to represent my club and area at the division level of the contest. I had practicsed my speech every day prior to the contest. Each delivery was slightly different – each delivery had a different timing. I had to keep my speech within 7 ½ minutes to qualify. With each practice of my speech, I got a better feel for the material and the timing. The day of the speech, I had many chores to do. My son Thomas, told me to disregard the chores for the moment and focus on practising the speech. I followed his advice and practiced all day. Although each practice presentation was unique, I was comfortable that the speech would go well.
The night of the contest came, we had about 50 people attending the event. I found out that I was one of five competing to represent the district at the division contest in May. It turned out that I was the fifth speaker to address the audience. The first four speakers were good and each of their speeches were different.  I felt good, and was eager to present. When I approached the speakers platform, everything appeared to be proceeding smoothly. I started my presentaion, felt comfortable with my content and with engaging the audience. The audience gave their full attention to me. Their faces appeared to be interested in the ideas and the photographs that I was presenting.Then, suddenly with two slides left to present – the screen decided to roll itself back into the ceiling. I did a double take at the screen looked at the audience and remarked “... Well sometimes it works … sometimes it doesn't” the audience laughted. I stepped closer to the audience and took care to use my voice to reengage them while my photos were superimposed over the paintings on the wall. I finished my speech, the audience applauded and the wait began. …
To be continued on Wednesday's blog …  

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