Monday, November 30, 2020


View was a bit out of the way from the walkway - I was impressed with the colors and patterns

Olympus OMD 1 Mk2, Olympus 12-40 f2.8 pro

Sunday, November 29, 2020

 Martin the “I-Thou” … “I-it” guy


Martin Buber, is a great scholar and author.  He introduced the perspective of “I-Thou,” “I-It,” in his book  I and Thou" 1923 [1]


I would like to suggest that “I-it,” leads to high anxiety and all kinds of spirit dysfunctions (pick any of the psychological nomenclature of various illness) that can dominate a person’s life style. 


Sunday, November 22, 2020

The deflowering of a book.

 Have you ever become one with a book? Have you ever fully digested a book? 

In English class my professor assigned reading a novel per week. One day, as he moved down the row of students, he stopped, picked up student’s book and said