An interesting quote from Abraham-Hicks has inspired me to take charge of my public speaking and my photography for 2014. It, along with support from my son and my friends (MB & JB), transformed my stormy weekend into a directed plan for 2014.
"When you feel enthusiasm to do something,
it means you've lined up the Energy, and
you are being inspired to take action from that point of alignment.
When you don't feel like doing it,
don't push yourself, because your effort is not worth it.
But, when you line up the Energy,
the feeling of procrastination goes away."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Sunday, July 31st, 2005
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Sunday, July 31st, 2005
I will be finishing some commitments
- Photo chair Spring Conference (May '14)
- Ambassador commitment (Jun '14)
and changing direction and commitments
- offer Growth and Development workshops
- offer Photography and Art as a tools to achieve awareness & prosperity
1st bulletin ... will be a Video of my Interview by Darcia from Russian Museum of Art on Monday, January 6th :)))
the interview will include
- my philosophy
- elements of my journey
- my use of photography as an art to heal and inspire others to live consciously
Another workshop / Video is planned for later in January
"The Myth of the Unconscious ~ allowing v. stealth"
Stay tuned for further bulletins!!!