Monday, May 16, 2011

Tragedy in the life of a Photographer

Signs were brewing from last Monday, my MacBook Pro laptop computer and Adobe Lightroom were working slowly, very slow compared to usual. This was happening while I was processing a large quantity of Raw files. Couldn't figure what the problem was? Then Thursday night disaster struck. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Purpose of Joy"



"Everything exists for joy. There is not one other reason for life than joy. We've got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Transforming Ice (Breaker) into Heat"

All photographs copyrighted by Ralph M. Ferraro, 2011

I presented a workshop at Toastmasters District 46 Spring Conference on Saturday, April 30th, 2011. The workshop is a guide for those who want to seek a mentor and those who want to be a mentor.

How many people would see the 1st photo, perhaps notice it, perhaps pass it by?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Depth of Field (Focus) Explained

Depth of Field (Focus)

This interesting article explains how depth of field (focus) works.
Althought they speak of a 35mm adapter, the explanation is thorough and applies to still photography with different types of lenses and apertures.
It's explanations are clear and well illustrated.
Check it out.