Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunset Photos & Cecilia Memorial


Posted some Sunset photos on my facebook page

RmfTop Photography ~ Sunsets

And shots as we gathered to eulogize Cecilia on the 2nd Anniversary of her returning to Spirit

Cecilia's 2nd year Memorial

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

RmfTop Photography

I posted my photos of my facebook page RmfTop Photography from

  • San Gennaro's Feast
  • Nature Walk (Flowers, Birds, Squirrel, Duck)

Check them out!!!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cathedral College Reunion

Hi All,
I posted the photos from the Cathedral College Reunion on Facebook.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hi All,
I am lauching my professional photography career. I have loved working with camera's since high school and have now taken the step to launch myself as an event photographer of people, pets and events.

My background in philosophy, psychology and the helping profession have enabled me to expand my skill as a photographer and take really great photographs of people.

On Saturday, July 31st, I wandered around the village in New York and offered to take free portraits of people and their pets. I called the event "Day in the Park ~ 073110."
Many people were enjoying the park, including a sand drawing artist, a poet, musicians, and singers. I wish to thank all who allowed me to take their photos.

Over 200 photos are now on my facebook page under the section RmfTop Photography.
Please browse the photos and feel free to make comments.

Stay tuned for updates (New galleries will be posted this week.

Ralph Michael

Monday, April 19, 2010

Copyright Ralph M. Ferraro 2010
What do you see ? What is this picture?
Come to the "Prosperity: a New Paradigm" Workshop
by Ralph M. Ferraro on May 22, 2010
to find out more about this picture and it's siblings.
For info and to obtain tickets to Ralph's Prosperity Workshop, 
email him at 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Review: "The Biology of Belief"

“The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Mind”
Bruce H. Lipton
The Short:
Looks at the power of intellectual energy and emotional energy from the context of the biology of the cells.
Great Book ~ Read it !!!
The author shares with the readers that as a child he began to follow his passion “In the innocence of my child mind [7 yrs. old], I saw this organism not as a cell but as a microscopic person, a thinking, sentient being. ... this microscopic, single-celled organism appeared to be on a mission...” (p.xvii)
Later in the book, as he becomes enmeshed in a ritualized, codified academic professional world, the author describes how he loses his purpose, his sense of meaning in life. His life as he understood it, fell apart, including his marriage. 
His journey takes him to a tropical isle to teach biology. In this setting he is guided in a way that awakens several challenges within him. His students aren’t mastering the knowledge that they need. He accepts the first challenge namely to inspire the students to truly learn about biology and how the cells of the body work as a complex network. His second challenge takes him deep within and without the life of cells. While grounded in the science of Biology, he discovers that the cells are not controlled by DNA. He discovers that cells are powered by, turned on or off by, energy fields and choices. He becomes fascinated by how thought energy and emotional energy interact with the cells of the body and control how the cells behave. The thought energy and the feeling energy are so powerful that they direct the body toward smooth functioning (health) or toward ragged functioning (illness).
The book is divided into seven chapters. Within the seven chapters, the author discusses cells, the “magical membrane,” the environment, biology and belief, growth and the role of parenting. At the end of the book, he integrates his thoughts on science and spirit not as a separate chapter but as an epilogue.
The author definitely focuses on life from a physical dimension but transcends just the physical easily observable data. His discoveries closely parallels or mirrors what  emotional energy theories and the law of attraction theories are saying about the connectedness of the universe through thought energy and emotional energy. His biological work mirrors the mentioned work that indicates thought energy and feeling energy actually create the dynamics behind the biology, and indeed create the script for how our life proceeds.
Bottom line: Great Book ~ Read it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Review: "Tribes"

Review: “Tribes: We need you to Lead Us”
Author: Seth Godon
Short Review: Read it.
Physically it is a small book in size. It numbers 151 pages.
At first glance, it appears to be a rambling story of ideas, no chapters, just headings.
As you begin your journey through the book, you discover juicy tidbits challenging the reader to discover the uniqueness and passion within themselves. Once discovered, the author encourages us to shine a spotlight on our talents and passions then take them and lead, or more precisely make the world a better place. In his wanderings the author highlights both the uniqueness of the individual and the magic of networking. The magic of networking (working with the tribe) is not contained in rules and narrow guidelines but in allowing (those familiar with Abraham-Hicks, Law of Attraction series are certainly familiar with allowing) each individual to take responsibility for their lives and let their creativity flow. The creative flow of each individual in the group is then blended with the efforts of the other group members enabling all who come in contact with the energy of the “tribe” to move forward while retaining their own individual uniqueness. 
Bottom line: Read the book !!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ethics v. Morals ~ Some Thoughts

I was getting ready to leave my office when my colleague asked me to join a discussion with one of our students. The student came from my class on Legal & Ethical issues in health care. In the class, one of the elements that we had discussed was the issue of ethics and morality. The student, who was learning english as a second language, was not clear about the difference between ethics and morality. 
Ethics and morality are words which at times are used interchangeably. We checked with a few dictionaries and none of them clarified to our satisfaction whether there was a difference between ethics and morality.
I wish to share a few of my thoughts about ethics and morality that we talked about in our discussion. I see ethics and morality as distinct in meaning and in implications.
Morality is usually defined as good or wrong behavior. Right and wrong behavior has several implications, most of which have tribal or religious underpinnings. Interestingly enough describing right or wrong seems to be a way to eliminate the religious overtones and focus on tribal propriety. Whether we examine right and wrong behavior from a religious perspective or a tribal perspective, the main point is that the group has set up rules to encourage good behavior or discourage bad behavior as they define it. The right and wrong behavior then is defined as a means of group regulation. This interpretation has elements of Freud’s Ego-ideal, rules which we internalized from our parents and from our society. The tribal component and the rules can lead to widely varying interpretations of what is moral and what is not. For me another disturbing element of morality is that it seems to use external rules to regulate ourself as if there is no faith in a person’s innate ability to regulate their behavior. It implies the correct way, not necessarily the good way, is set by the community’s standards. Leaving morality to be judged by the community leaves open the door to control issues rather than truly good or bad behavior.
Ethics on the other hand is not based on a community’s standard or on a particular religions’ standard. Ethics is based on love and doing good for self while not doing harm to another. Because Ethics is based on love, it is not judgmental. Another important distinction is that ethics does not originate from eternal sources such as the tribe, the religion or from what Freud viewed as the Ego-ideal. Ethics originates from within the self. It is from within the self that one connects with one’s own internal voice which in turn is connected to Source Emotional Energy (God, Allah, etc.). Once a person connects on this deep level with themselves and with Source Energy, the significance of acting from love, acting from concern for oneself and for others becomes clear. If a person acts in an ethical manner, i.e. from a position of love, then an internal peace ~ happiness flows within that person  whether or not the tribe or the religion sanctions their behavior. The love dimension of ethics connects the person not only with their own true nature but with others within and without the tribe or religion. In connecting with source, the love component of ethics connects the person with the larger picture, with everything in the universe. It connects with our spirit, with our essence. If a person acts in an unethical manner, i.e. deliberately seeks to harm another, then that person begins to pinch themselves off from their own well being and from Source Emotional Energy. To the extent that a person pinches themselves off from themselves and from Source Emotional Energy, they deny themselves the very happiness, the very joy that they seek. When one pinches oneself off from self and from source emotional energy, they punish themselves in a more hurtful way than any punishment a tribe or a religion can deliver.
As I explained the above to my colleague and to the student, the student suddenly said with excitement, then “Ethics is higher than morals.”  My colleague and I smiled and said to her “You got it!” It was a great source of pleasure to see the joy in the students face that she now understood the important difference between two words that the rest of society tends to use interchangeably.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

UpDate on Ralph's Activities

On 1/25/10, Ralph was the ToastMaster for the Knickerbocker ToastMaster Group. In addition, he presented 3 jokes in his role as Joke Master. He presented his speech #7 "Forming An Anger Management Group ~ an Idea to go Crazy with." Ralph was voted "Best Speaker" for the evening.

Ralph will be attending the open house evening at the "Open Center"a holistic learning center on Friday evening, February 5th, 2010.

Ralph is preparing for the RCT TOP MasterMind's 1st Group scheduled for February 7th, 2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years ~ January 1st ~ A Pivot Point

New Years, January 1, 2010
“If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here—your lifetime career—is to seek joy. As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who-you-really-are. And in doing so you will utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you."
--- Abraham  
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"     

January 1st, 2010 ~ one way of looking at this date is seeing it as something new, the start of a new year. Looking at January 1st in this way is simply measuring time. Custom frequently seems to indicate that this marking of time, is watching a giant count down timer or a descending ball at Times Square, until the crossover hour arrives. We seem to be more concerned about reaching the crossover point than experiencing the moment we are in. In many instances, food is shared, as well as drink. 
January 1st could also be looked at as a reminder that we are on a certain path. It could be a reminder that we can take a moment and focus on how we are feeling, rather than on the count down timer or the descending ball at Times Square. How we are feeling will allow contrast ~ do we like what we are feeling? Do we not like what we are feeling? In the process of looking at our feelings, it is important, as Abraham points out, to consider that we can have whatever we desire. The contrast and the realization that unlimited resources are available to us, puts us in a dilemma.  If we allow what makes us feel good to dominate our experience (this excludes the intent to do harm to someone) and realize that whatever we desire is available to us if we allow it to come to us, this reflection challenges us to take charge of our life. We now have the power to chose how “the New Year” will unfold.
Can we make choices that permit us to visualize our “lifetime career” as seeking Joy? The power to have a joy filled year could be revealed through the formula revealed in “Three Feet from Gold,” by Lechter and Reid which is as follows:**

[(P x T) x A x A] + F = Success Success, I am defining as a Career of seeking, discovering, relishing, and sharing our Joy, all using positive emotional energy.

P = Passion* What do we feel intense enthusiasm for ~ a burning or pulsating desire for?

T = Talent* Each one of us has a unique quality, talent, mission that is ours alone & cannot be cloned.

A = Association Associating with people who are also seeking Joy, people who have accepted the personal responsibility of the power of Choice; People who gravitate toward the positive energy that is available to them in the universe.

A = Action Choosing to move in the path that brings us joy, with faith choosing to take the risk and move through doors that open for us.

F = Faith Choosing to see what is not easily seeable. Knowing that a benign Emotional Source Energy (God) wants us to be Prosperous in all dimensions, health, relationship, finances, career, etc. Knowing that Emotional Source Energy (God) is willing to provide whatever we desire to us for our Joy. Knowing that our desires will manifest if we vibrate the desire, and allow that which we desire to come to us.

  • * which can only be fully discovered and nourished thru the mindfulness of meditation, allowing contact with the individual inner voice of self and with the inner voice of Source Emotional Energy.
  • * * The Formula is mentioned in the book “Three Feet from Gold.” I strongly recommend this book after you read “Think and Grow Rich (original edition ~ contact me if you want the ISBN  number) by Napoleon Hill. The interpretation of the elements of the formula are mine.

Happy New Year to All !!!
Stay tuned ... Chinese New Year is coming up !!!

Ralph M. Ferraro

Copyright Ralph M. Ferraro 2010