In an age of video, an age of reels
Have we lost the art of silence?
Have we lost the art of seeing what is not visible?
Have we lost the beauty and the art of a single photograph
In therapy practice, many clients enjoy and employ the Technique of controlled breathing.
They. Are able to manage 3 to 6 breaths.
They may use the breath several times during the course of a day.
They find deep conscious breathing helps them. It relaxes them. It helps to center them. It helps them chose a course of action.
Then they stop
It is as if they are anxious about looking deeper
How many things do you see …objects, shades of color, etc.?
In the photo, do You see the beauty? Is The beauty in the shape, in the tone of the color, in the seeing discrete elements? Is the beauty separate from us, separate from Source?
Are all the elements part of the “Eye of the I: from which nothing is hidden.”(title of Dr Hawkins book)? The I from which nothing is hidden replaces the concept of ego.
Dr Hawkins in his book deemphasizes the concept of the ego, and it’s cousins the id, the superego and superego ideal.
He indicates the beauty may be between the elements, between the colors. If not between the elements perhaps inclusive of the elements and the space between. He goes further, the beauty that we observe includes not only the space but us and the Source.
Powerful words, in the moment, in the experience. Powerful words to erase anxiety. Powerful words to understand how we fit in. Powerful words to reflect our connection with the unseen, the Spirit, the Source, the Eye of the I.
I highly recommend Dr Hawkins book, “the eye of the I: from which nothing is hidden.”